Day 47 of 365: A Hidden Gem

Once I tell you what this hidden gem is, you will not be surprised…

In Poznan there is a place called Thai Land Massage.  Not only does it offer traditional Thai massage, the massage therapists are from Thailand.  This afternoon I went there for an hour long massage.  The massage was to focus on my head, back and shoulders.  Since it was an hour long my legs also received attention.  Tina, the therapist who took care of me was wonderful.  She pushed and leaned and chopped and elbowed and rubbed and stepped and giggled and used all of her body weight on me.

When I committed to this 365 day journey, I knew it would be important to take care of myself.  Not only do I need to ensure I eat well, drink plenty of water, and get enough sleep, I also need to ensure that my physical muscles are being taken care of too.  It’s been six weeks since I started my journey and I think making sure I fit in a massage at least once every six weeks is a nice treat and a smart way to keep my muscles happy.

Aside from laying in bed for a couple of hours this morning, I also got up and did my 4 Weeks to a New You circuit training.  Today is the start of the week three.  In week three the sets last 45 seconds. (Week 1 30 seconds, Week 2 40 seconds)  Today was pretty intense.  There were t-rex burpees (Jump feet back, push up, right arm row, left arm row, push up, jump feet front and up.  Repeat.), jumping alternating lunges, extra hard variety of mountain climbers and a lot of ab work just to call out a few things.  This afternoon I also walked to the mall and then carried two very heavy bags of groceries home by myself.  There were filled with frozen salmon, sauerkraut, cans of white beans, coconut milk, potatoes, pork, and two surprise packages of duck legs.  The small package looked like Cornish hens.  Darren was all prepared to roast Cornish hens until he opened the packages to find that they were duck legs.  Not as lean as we thought but at least we will not go hungry tonight.  Besides, we really like duck and accidentally buying this is like accidentally finding a hidden gem.

Hidden Gem